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About TEQ
The Team
Niels Schoot (Kama) - Owner
Niels is the programmer, the technical guy, the designer and implementer. He wrote every function and stored procedure of the game. This started by hacking everyting in VB and VBScript, but currently it all runs on C#/ASP.NET, MS SQL Server (T-SQL Stored Procedures).
Bastiaan Berendsen (MaNiPuLaTeD MaNiaC or just MM) - Owner
Bastiaan is the functional guy, the creator of formula's, the calculator. He made up every formula and worked out all of the strategy there are to play TEQ. Initially just the 2 servers, but now up to four servers which all haver different settings, but still need to be balanced.
Occasional members
Joris Schoot - Technical help, helped a lot with setting up the networking stuff on our server.
Bas Winckels - Marketing guy, wrote the occasional article or press release to keep us in the picture.
The Company
TEQ is hosted by our company Schoot Digital Productions v.o.f. We're based in 's-Hertogenbosch in The Netherlands. TEQ runs at our own hardware, which is located in the datacenter of NXS in Amsterdam.
Contact the team: The Team
Contact tech support: Technical Support
Some legal stuff.