>> You are here: Main page - Subscription Information 
Types of subscriptions and Team Plugins
There are three types if subscriptions you can get:

  1. Advertisement Free Subscription: This  removes all the banners and advertisments from all the TEQ servers. This means that the page load time, and server response time will increase.
  2. Premium Functions Subscription: This introduces special features to all the TEQ game servers. These features include a personal Icon on the forums and a personal information center to store your Seal reports and add notes to each of them.
  3. Combo: Adfree + Premium: This combines both AdFree and Premium Subscription for a special price. This will mean a discount of up to 25% when getting a Premium Plus subscription instead of both subscriptions seperately.

Team Plugins
In order to be able to use Team Plugins, you can either buy each plugin individually or get a certain number of subscribers in your team, which unlocks the team plugins automatically. Please see the Team page for exact details.

You can find the prices for the various subscriptions by visiting the Subscription page of your personal control panel:

>> Go to Subscription page of Control Panel

Please visit the Team page in TEQ Team or Group gaming server to see the prices of the Team plugins.

Payment Information
In order to be able to buy a subscription or a team plugin, you'll need TEQ Credit. In order to get TEQ Credit, you have to add money to your TEQ Balance. This can be done in various ways:

  • Add Credit Yourself
    1. Method 1: PayPal
      This is the easiest and fastest way. Just click the button below and use your PayPal account (or create a PayPal account) to send us money. If you used the same e-mail address for PayPal as you did for TEQ, the payment will be added instantly to your TEQ Balance (otherwise it takes some processing time). (Be sure to leave a reference to your TEQ Account! - otherwise we have to contact you)

      Click here to add money using PayPal

    2. Method 2: Credit Card
      This also done using PayPal, but without the need to create a login first. This takes a bit more processing time, but does not require you to create a PayPal account first.

      Click here to add money using Credit Card: 1. Enter Amount, 2. Click "Continue" (Bottom Left)

    3. Method 3: Bank Payment
      Wire transfer money to our bank account. This takes the longest in processing time. Please make sure to leave a reference to your TEQ Account in order for us to be able to process your payment! Bank details:

      Schoot Digital Productions, The Netherlands
      ING Bank, Account 681498986
      IBAN Code: NL97 INGB 0681 4989 86
  • Let Someone Else Pay
    If you are not able to add money yourself, you can ask someone else to make a payment for you. The TEQ Balance system allows one persone to transfer money to someone else. This makes it possible for anyone to buy their own subscription without the need to add money using one of the specified methods.

If you require any assistance on subscriptions or making payments, please feel free to contact us by e-mail.

Copyright © 1999- 2025 Schoot Digital Productions
Version: 3.5.1 - Some images used with permission from www.3drt.com